The Cary Lazy Daze was ANYTHING BUT!

August 29, 2016  •  2 Comments

The Cary Lazy Daze was ANYTHING BUT LAZY! 

This August marked the 40th anniversary of Cary Laze Daze and it was quite an anniversary. This year it got extended to two days, Saturday 8.27 and Sunday 8.28. Well it was actually closer to 1.5 days because Sunday's hours were only 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM. 

It was hotter that death on Saturday with a heat index of 111*! That fact brings out the Early Birds who want to beat the heat, do their shopping and leave before they melt. Those patrons who stuck it out for longer then got to experience a brief storm pass by bringing wind gusts of 40+ mph! This will be one enduring image of Lazy Daze 2016:

Holly was standing in the middle of the canopy, holding on to it for dear life so it wouldn't blow away. Meanwhile a nice couple was trying ask questions and make a purchase as I talked over the howling wind and rain. The transaction was completed without anything breaking. Thank you to the kind couple for your patience and support

Saturday sales and attendance were flat after 3 pm. Holly speculated that many of the visitors would return Sunday, or come out Sunday, when the weather was forecast to be cooler. She was right! Even though the show lasted only 4.5 hours on Sunday I HAD MY BIGGEST SUNDAY EVER! WOW!
It was amazing. I sold so many Metal Prints! My HDR work on aluminum is proving to be a big hit! The more I put on metal, the more I WANT to put on metal. I even did 2 Special Orders for my metal prints. 

Once again Cary NC proved to be an Art-Loving community. THANK YOU ALL for your support.

Other great things about this show is that I had 2 fantastic neighbors to chat and share notes with, the organization was super, the volunteers were plentiful, load-in and load-out were a breeze, food  and drink options were plentiful, bathrooms were inside, artist lounge was available (did not use). 
In short..... Everything ran smoothly


Left Behind, photography by Kyle Wilson
Thanks for reading and for the kind comment.
It is super-stressful, not knowing if you will make enough to pay for rent of the next hotel stay. This is the first time in months I have been able to see myself being able to support this artist lifestyle. I don't want to sugar-coat anything. It is an odd lifestyle and is not for everyone.

But it IS the most rewarding work I have ever done! You know what that is like. I am sure you will find the perfect market for your beautiful images!

Take Care,
Lauri Novak(non-registered)
So happy for you - you're doing amazing!! You inspire but I'm heading down the "i'm not so sure I'm going to do the art fair thing next year" path, it's not paying off for me. Time to continue searching for where my images fit in the world of selling!!
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