Absolute Devastation

April 11, 2020  •  3 Comments

(updated 9.1.20)

This Corona Virus Crisis has wreaked ABSOLUTE DEVASTATION on me, Left Behind photography and the Arts Community.
So far
Twelve  Twenty-Six FOURTY ONE (41!) , and counting, of my shows have canceled, from mid-March into through SEPTEMBER (and now into October November). (This number keeps increasing, even though it is now September). I have even heard from one THREE of my August September October shows that have already canceled! One of the August cancellations was Cary Lazy Daze (Cary, NC) that I cherish because it was my FIRST show I ever did (in 2013)! In addition, last week, my TWO OF MY BEST SHOWS canceled: Sunfest and Colorfest (both in MD.)! And just this morning a show in December canceled! DECEMBER! Every email (it seems) brings more bad news; I detest the sound of a new email alert for fear of another Art Show being forced to cancel by their state governor. I do not want to enumerate the current $$ loss of these shows to my yearly income because that would be too depressing.

** But just imagine  3/4 – to - 7/8  
90% of your yearly sales, or your paychecks, just GONE! **

Most of us do this full-time and we have no other source of income, we cannot work from home and get paid. A majority of us are also small business owners, owners of our little art business, and as such most of us (me included) do not qualify for unemployment benefits. We are considered ‘gig workers’ in most states. I have applied for some grants, disaster relief, and a loan from the PPP (Payroll Protection Program) but the devastation out there is vast and these resources are being overwhelmed with pleas for help. NO grants or loans for me yet (updated 7.17.20). 
>> I did NOT qualify for an EIDL because of "No Credit History", so said the SBA. << 

I am not saying this to evoke sympathy from y’all or to beg for money. I guess I am just trying to get some understanding of what it is like in the Arts Community and the ‘Gig Economy’.  When I see ads and people on TV all happy and cheerfully saying … “Stay home, stay healthy”, “We’ll get through this”, ‘Things will work out fine”, “We are all in this together”, “This can be fun”….I just want to punch the TV. But I can’t, I can’t afford a new one. 

Proclaiming that we must “listen to the science” has become the worst type of virtue signaling on the part of people many of whom have nothing to lose from the lockdowns (their own financial security being immune to whatever policies are imposed). Shutting down the hospitality and tourism sectors of entire cities, counties and countries causes untold harm to anyone working in the gig economy, and yet the victims are themselves portrayed as immoral for refusing to sing along with the cheery refrain, “We’re all in this together!” Few among the populace have been able effectively to press these points, because the media and tech industries have overwhelmingly joined forces with the COVID-19 policymakers, promoting The ScienceTM company line while silencing those who demur. Needless to say, there is nothing more unscientific than censorship, for the scientific enterprise requires a continual reassessment of the facts. When new hypotheses are forbidden because they conflict with what one believed to be true, then science has come to a screeching halt.

Below is The Big Cancel list as it stands today. To get a better idea, check out my website’s s Show Schedule page > https://leftbehind.zenfolio.com/show-schedule



March 20-22

Fairhope Arts and Crafts Festival - CANCELED - COVID-19 
Fairhope, AL

 April 3-5
 Summerville Flowertown Festival - CANCELED - COVID-19
Summerville, South Carolina
April 17-19 
 Sugarloaf Crafts - CANCELED- COVID-19
Gaithersburg, MD

April 24-26
 Dogwood Arts Festival  - CANCELED - COVID-19
Knoxville, TN

May 2-3
 Arts In The Park - CANCELED - COVID-19
Richmond, MD

May 7-10
 Springfest - CANCELED - COVID-19
Ocean City, MD

May 16-17 > now Oct. 10-11
Raleigh, NC

May 30-31 > Now August 15-16
Roanoke, VA

May 30-31 
 Arts In The Middle - CANCELED - COVID-19
Urbana, VA 

June 13 -14
Allentown Arts FestivalCANCELED – COVID-19
Buffalo, NY

June 12-14
Sugarloaf Crafts - CANCELED - COVID-19
Gaithersburg, MD

June 19-21 > Oct. 23 - 25
Virginia Beach, VA

June 27-28
 Grand Haven Arts Festival - CANCELED - COVID-19
Grand Haven, MI

July 3-4 
 Festival For The Eno - CANCELED - COVID-19
Durham, NC

July 5-6 - CANCELED - COVID-19
 Downtown Asheville 4th of July Weekend Festival of the Arts
Asheville, NC

July 11-12
 Krasl Art Fair On The Bluff - CANCELED - COVID-19
St. Joseph, MI

July 17-19
Artscape - CANCELED - COVID-19
Baltimore, MD

July 24-26
Sugarloaf Crafts BANKRUPCY: COVID-19
Timonium, MD

July 29 -August 1
Virginia Highlands Festival - CANCELED - COVID-19
Abington, VA

August 1-2 
Chastain ParkCANCELED - COVID-19
Atlanta, GA

August 7-9
Milford Memories CANCELED - COVID-19
Milford, MI

August 15-16
Mount Gretna Art Show CANCELED – COVID-19
Mount Gretna, PA

August 16-17
Sidewalk Art Show CANCELED - COVID-19
Roanoke, VA

August 22-23
Cary Lazy Daze- CANCELED - COVID-19
Cary, NC

August 29-30
Art in Speed Park Fine Art Fair CANCELED - COVID-19
Sellersburg, IN

September 5-7 
Frankfort Fall Festival - CANCELED - COVID-19
Frankfort, IL

September 5-6
Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival CANCELED - COVID-19
Arlington, VA

September 12-13
Big Four Arts Festival CANCELED - COVID-19
Louisville, KY

September 12-13
St. Charles Fine Art Show - CANCELED - COVID-19
St. Charles, IL

September 25-27 
Neptune Festival CANCELED - COVID-19
Virginia Beach, VA

October 1-4
Ocean City, MD

October 2-4 
St. James Court CANCELED - COVID-19
Louisville, KY

October 10-11
ColorfestCANCELED - COVID-19
Thurmont, MD

October 10-11
ArtsplosureCANCELED - COVID-19
Raleigh, NC
October 16-18
Sugarloaf CraftsBANKRUPCY: COVID-19
Chantilly, VA

October 16-18 
Poquoson Seafood Festival - CANCELED - COVID-19
Poquoson, VA

October 23-25 
Boardwalk Art Show - CANCELED - COVID-19
Virginia Beach, VA

October 23-25
River ArtsFest - CANCELED - COVID-19
Memphis, TN

November 14-15
Virginia Highlands Festival - CANCELED - COVID-19
Atlanta, GA

December 4-6
Columbus Winterfair - CANCELED - COVID-19
Columbus, OH

December 4-6
Sugarloaf Chantilly - BANKRUPTCY - COVID-19
Chantilly, VA




Left Behind, photography by Kyle Wilson
Thanks for putting a smile on my face today, I needed it!
Left Behind, photography by Kyle Wilson
Howdy! Thanks for your kind comments.

I will keep 'plugging away', as I say here in this blog post >
I can't imagine doing anything else and I will NOT QUIT!

Please stay tuned as I hope to have some exciting news soon.

Thanks Again,
I'm so sorry to hear of your continued misfortunes. It's hard to hear of so many families struggling; including the artists that count on interest/sales for income. Hopefully you are seeing an increase of admirers on the other site. I feel confident that they will continue to appreciate your work. Keep focused and, as they say, "plugging away". You dont seem to be the type to be [pegged] as a quitter.
Take care and remain safe through this difficult times.
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